Atopic dermatitis, commonly known as eczema, is a chronic skin condition, characterized by dry, itchy, and inflamed skin. This often debilitating condition primarily affects children but can persist into adulthood. The exact origins of atopic dermatitis are unknown, but it is believed to be triggered by a combination of genetic predisposition and e… Read More

Are you concerned about the visibility of wrinkles? Consider adding a bakuchiol serum facial to your self-care routine! This potent ingredient is known for its capacity to minimize the look of wrinkles and boost collagen production. Bakuchiol in addition improves the appearance of your skin's texture, leaving you with a youthful complexion. Include… Read More

¿Que quieres mejorar el aspecto de tu rostro a posteriori de semanas sin ver la vela del sol? Apuesta por un protector con color -los hay en diversos formatos- para un finalidad ‘buena cara’ sin penuria de maquillaje. A la vanguardia de la innovación Un aprender hacer dermo-cosmético exclusivo para cuidados de calidad, efectivos y seguros … Read More